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Pushups versus Bench press

Did you know that the Bench Press exercise can actually do more damage then a standard push up? Lets look at the factors:
Bench Press:
  • A bench press applies pressure to mostly your shoulder area and not your entire chest/arm/shoulder area.
  • It is not a natural movement
  • Requires no stability of your core
  • If done incorrectly can ruin your posture and your shoulders permanently

If done correctly:

  • Can build a strong chest and add some size to you arm and shoulders
  • Will make you look powerful in the gym
  • Work the four sections of your chest independently for maximum results
  • Works your grip strength along with routine

Push up:

  • Is a natural movement when preforming life routines
  • Builds and requires all parts of your body to preform well
  • Does not require a spotter or gym
  • Can be effective in building all parts of chest in one movement
  • Is more impressive when done with weight or vertically

I'm sure I could come up with more comparisons, however I think you get the jest of it.

For people with rotator cuff problems or or shoulder related injuries that wish to work out their chest, should prefer a push up over a bench press. I am a good testament to this. I have been doing push-ups for about a two years now. Recently started doing bench presses. Found my shoulder to be really week and need two days of recovery after doing each bench press. Switched back to push-ups, with weight, and have since conquered my shoulder weakness.

A good friend of mine was struggling to lift 175 on the bench press. After a little two week period of working with weighted push ups and higher reps, he can now lift a maximum of 2 lifts on the bench press now at 225. That's a pretty good result in just two weeks I think.


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