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Love the Gym?

People always ask me, "Do you love the gym or something, your always here?" Well quiet frankly no, I do not love the gym. I just like being fit and trying to stay in the best shape that I can. If that means going to the gym 5 days a week then so be it.

However its not always just the gym. On the weekend I like to stay as active as possible. Ride my bike to a friends house, play some baseball, maybe go kayaking, a walk around downtown, anything to keep me from sitting on my butt all weekend.

People take for granted what good physical fitness does for you. Good physical fitness keeps you on top of your game. Whether its walking around the mall or going to a hike in the woods. You need to be in your best form at all times.

Recently a friend of mines dad starting going back to the gym. He did this because his doctor said you go or your health will increasing get worse. Now, that same guy can't wait to get back into the gym each trip he makes. It's that kind of feeling which keeps me going back. I hate the feeling of laziness, so I try to avoid this at all costs. Heck there are even some guy in their 50's that can still lift as much as I can, probably because they have been going to the gym since they were young too.

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Colby Butler

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