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Training for endurance and stamina

This type of training requires what is mentioned below to be master prior to starting this.
Basically its the same as a pro-set, however preformed with little to no rest. The idea behind this way of training is that while you train one area of your body, the other area will be getting rested as if you were just waiting it out. So in this time instead you are still training, however, just training a different area.

For example do your row or back exercise, immediately follow that with your bench, or chest exercise without waiting in between the two.

Do this consistently through out your routine. You should find that it becomes difficult about your third set, because you are not giving a time to rest and catch your breath.
Only after your third set are you allowed to stop for a breather.
This is just like cardio training with about 80-90% of you actual full rep weight. This way of training is also a good way to burn fat and build your stamina. This is increase your heart rate and build your lungs in the same process, allowing your to return to your normal routine in a few weeks with more overall performance. If you don't notice a difference, then may you have plateaued and need to incorporate new exercises into your routine.

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