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The newest craze

Have you seen this yet? The newest craze in weight loss routines?

Well if you haven't then let me give you the low down right here. I have seen many articles about fitness in my many years. I have told many people many things, although not too many ever listened. Well, once again I stand to be correct in my views. I have told people train slow and train longer. People always said that doesn't work. So what the newest craze you ask? Well just that. Training slower and longer.

I'm not saying train for additional time, no no, what I'm saying is train slower with better form and take a rest at the hardest area in the movement. Basically count to five second on the rep side and hold for 5 for a total movement rep time of 10 seconds. Don't believe me, try it yourself. In fact I have read articles recently on top sites and in top magazines with study results that support these claims.

Try it for example:
Bent over one handed rows. Hold dumbbell on either side of the body as you lean on a weight bench. Lift the weight with one arm from the floor to your chest, keeping your back bent at a 60 degree angle, lift weight as normal. Once at the top of the motion in full contraction, hold for a 5 second count. Then lower the weight as you count once again to 5 seconds.

You'll notice that you can not lift as much as you normally would and the next day most likely be sore some. This is a result of changing in your routine. What this type of training does, is to build stamina and strength with proper form and motion. If you have to jerk the weight, then you are most likely lifting too much. This also increases your heart rate as you are required to focus more on the effort at hand. You may get tired more quickly when you first try this exercise out.

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