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Taking the stairs

Try taking the stairs when ever you can. Its a good way to get your heart moving during the day and kick yourself into slight exercise. Even if you can go to the gym that day, take the stairs and you will be on your way!

I have grown accustom to taking all steps two at a time. I now find that taking only a single step, each step, takes considerably more time and seems like forever. It makes more sense to get to where I want to go that much faster all while using maintaining that strength throughout.

If you look at it in a business building, or if you work in an office, you don't need to work out your legs as hard in the gym. As you use them throughout the day they get the workout they need. However you may require an office with many steps to accomplish this, for example, 2-3 flights of stairs just wouldn't do the job.

Going the Distance

Incorporate exercise into your life everyday. Whether going to the department store, grocery, or mall, a person should gain some extra exercise by parking far out in the lot. Not only do you get more walking exercise, you have a better chance of leaving the parking lot, also avoiding those dings from others that aren't paying attention to your doors.

In addition, try to carry your items while grocery shopping. If you plan to run in for only about 10 items, if those items are manageable enough to carry in the basket, then do so. Also if you think in this sense, a cart can be a real pain to maneuver around too.

I always use these suggestion while shopping. People may think I'm crazy when I go and get a huge 48 pack of plastic bottled tea, eggs, and milk. Then again I'm in and out in less then 15 min most of the time. I can carry the load, so why not?

Ward off illness

You can ward off illness by exercise, did you know this? Studies have shown that those who regularly exercise can ward off simple diseases, like small colds and viruses. In the same effect they get over flu symptoms easier and have less of a hard time coping with illness.
Exercising regular, supports your immune system and keep your blood in better condition to fight infections.

A long with better bone structure and density, this is another reason older adults should still manage to do some good old physical exertion at least twice a week, three to four time is optimal. Studies show that people start to lose muscle by the age of 30. Now not to stress out if you are nearly or over the age of 30.

There is something you can do. Simply be active more then you are currently. This will prolong your muscles and keep your immune system healthier longer. Some people, men in general have be shown to actually build muscle into their 30's and beyond.

HardCore Training

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