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Taking the stairs

Try taking the stairs when ever you can. Its a good way to get your heart moving during the day and kick yourself into slight exercise. Even if you can go to the gym that day, take the stairs and you will be on your way!

I have grown accustom to taking all steps two at a time. I now find that taking only a single step, each step, takes considerably more time and seems like forever. It makes more sense to get to where I want to go that much faster all while using maintaining that strength throughout.

If you look at it in a business building, or if you work in an office, you don't need to work out your legs as hard in the gym. As you use them throughout the day they get the workout they need. However you may require an office with many steps to accomplish this, for example, 2-3 flights of stairs just wouldn't do the job.

Going the Distance

Incorporate exercise into your life everyday. Whether going to the department store, grocery, or mall, a person should gain some extra exercise by parking far out in the lot. Not only do you get more walking exercise, you have a better chance of leaving the parking lot, also avoiding those dings from others that aren't paying attention to your doors.

In addition, try to carry your items while grocery shopping. If you plan to run in for only about 10 items, if those items are manageable enough to carry in the basket, then do so. Also if you think in this sense, a cart can be a real pain to maneuver around too.

I always use these suggestion while shopping. People may think I'm crazy when I go and get a huge 48 pack of plastic bottled tea, eggs, and milk. Then again I'm in and out in less then 15 min most of the time. I can carry the load, so why not?

Ward off illness

You can ward off illness by exercise, did you know this? Studies have shown that those who regularly exercise can ward off simple diseases, like small colds and viruses. In the same effect they get over flu symptoms easier and have less of a hard time coping with illness.
Exercising regular, supports your immune system and keep your blood in better condition to fight infections.

A long with better bone structure and density, this is another reason older adults should still manage to do some good old physical exertion at least twice a week, three to four time is optimal. Studies show that people start to lose muscle by the age of 30. Now not to stress out if you are nearly or over the age of 30.

There is something you can do. Simply be active more then you are currently. This will prolong your muscles and keep your immune system healthier longer. Some people, men in general have be shown to actually build muscle into their 30's and beyond.

My Exercise Routines

I train more for full body fitness then sheer mass. I never intended to get huge. I wanted to modify my genetics enough so that when I have kids they can build some muscle. I wasn't blessed with good genes from my parents. So I strive to change that.

My routines have shown positive result in both me and other people I work out with who have tried them. I often move furniture on the weekends. That's right furniture. This would not be possible if my body was not in proper form.

I train for stamina strength and sheer strength rather then huge size. I like to fit into my shirts and pants without ripping something as a result of size. My posts here are for people of all ages and routines to try and adjust to their own level.

Training for endurance and stamina

This type of training requires what is mentioned below to be master prior to starting this.
Basically its the same as a pro-set, however preformed with little to no rest. The idea behind this way of training is that while you train one area of your body, the other area will be getting rested as if you were just waiting it out. So in this time instead you are still training, however, just training a different area.

For example do your row or back exercise, immediately follow that with your bench, or chest exercise without waiting in between the two.

Do this consistently through out your routine. You should find that it becomes difficult about your third set, because you are not giving a time to rest and catch your breath.
Only after your third set are you allowed to stop for a breather.
This is just like cardio training with about 80-90% of you actual full rep weight. This way of training is also a good way to burn fat and build your stamina. This is increase your heart rate and build your lungs in the same process, allowing your to return to your normal routine in a few weeks with more overall performance. If you don't notice a difference, then may you have plateaued and need to incorporate new exercises into your routine.

Pro-sets and complexes

Pro-sets and complexes are basically the same thing. Don't ask where the name came from, however, you can imagine where. These are a lot like what the pro athletes do in there training sessions. Many exercises together as one with little rest in between each.

For example do your back exercise paired against your chest exercise, consider those two together as one set. Same goes for your arms, shoulders, or legs.

However for these exercises you may not be able to do your full weight because it requires much more stamina and overall strength to preform them properly and consistency.
These can also be preformed the same as your normal routine would be just as a paired set. So as you would normally be doing a second set, this would be where you would preform your paired exercise.

Obese to average Joe

I used to weight alot and I mean alot, I was considered obese for someone my size based on my age and height. I used what I learned to modify my lifestyle to change myself and lose 85 lbs total. Safely, healthy, and effectively.

I generated this blog, based from a book I intend to write to the masses. I don't generally write about getting huge muscles, training for a triathlon, or anything like most others. I prefer sheer strength and maintenance training. Although I have packed on size in the process. The comes with all training routines. Better body, better life, healthier living.

HardCore Training

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