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How I train when I can't go to the gym

Many people have asked me how I lost 85lbs and keep it off. Well, I train to keep it off. I don't just eat right and better then I used to, I exercise at least 4 times a week. Even when I miss the gym for a few days, I work out at home.

Its simple to work out at home when needed. All I use is my own body weight and a simple 37.5 lb dumbbell. Anyone can do core training at home, abs, obliques, and even lower back. However keeping your upper body and lower body in check is a little harder.
For example:
I put my rear car seats to good use. Each weights between 50-80 lbs, so just lifting them is like a work out. However I use the heavy one for squats of 20 reps, dead lifts, and rows. The smaller one I will use for curling, standing overhead extensions, side bends, and weighted push ups. Basically I use them however I feel I can at the time of working out. Now mind you, this does not totally replace the gym. The gym allows you to lift much more weight then you would have around your house.

It becomes easy to look around your house and find something that you can use to lift when you can't get to a gym. Some of the best strength is built when you lift odd objects. These odd configurations form different muscles in the body to preform harder and with more efficiency. Steel and metal plates are great at the gym, however not sufficient to real life objects.


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